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Create band flyer in photoshop
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Are you wondering how to promote your band? Flyers are a perfect choice to promote your brand, shorten the distance between your band and customers and save costs. So do you know how to create a flyer for the band in photoshop? Let's find out the details with SaDesign through the article below.
1. How to create a grunge style background for a band flyer in photoshop
Step 1
Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document (File > New). Change the width to 8.75 inches and the height to 11.25 inches.
Step 2
Create four guides by going to View > New Guide Layout. Change the top, left, bottom, and right margins to 0.125 in.
Step 3
Open the crumpled paper image in Photoshop. Drag and drop it into the flyer design.
Step 4
Open noise23.jpg and noise12.jpg from the noise overlay texture zip file in Photoshop. Convert both noise images to grayscale by going to Image > Mode > Grayscale. Invert both images by adding an Invert adjustment layer. Select the Invert and Noise layers in the layers panel and right-click then select Merge Layers.
Step 5
Drag and drop the noise23 and noise12 layers into the gig flyer design. Change the Blending Mode to Multiply.
2. How to create a band flyer in photoshop
Step 1
The next step in how to make a band flyer in photoshop is to select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a frame for the band photo. Use the dimensions 2380px x 3185px . Right click on this rectangle layer in the Layers panel and select Convert to Smart Object.
Step 2
Double-click the black rectangle thumbnail in the layers panel. Open the rock band photo in Photoshop and place it inside the black rectangle smart object. Change the color mode to RGB by going to Image > Mode > RGB Color. Right-click the rock band photo and select Convert to Smart Object. Apply a mesh filter by going to Filter > Filter Gallery. Use the following settings:
Density: 12
Foreground Level: 40
Background Level: 5
Note : Make sure Foreground Color is set to #000000 and Background Color is set to #ffffff on the left toolbar.
Step 3
Save this rock band smart object file ( File > Save ). Go back to your band flyer. You should now see the filtered band image in a rectangular smart object. Open the 12.png textured border and frame file in Photoshop. Drag and drop it onto the flyer. Resize the frame ( Command-T ) so it fits the edge of the band image.
Step 4
Press Command and click on the black grunge frame thumbnail in the Layers panel. This will create an active selection around the black frame.
Step 5
Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) create a selection in the center of the band photo so that it looks like the image below. Make sure Add to Selection is selected in the top toolbar. The area shown in pink below is where you will add your selection.
Step 6
Select the Band Photo layer and add a Layer Mask at the bottom of the Layers panel. Make the Frame layer invisible by selecting the eye icon.
Step 7
Use the Type Tool (T) with Asphalts Display and type your band name with the following settings:
The: 77 pt, All Caps, Faux Italic, -20 Tracking, #ed2024
Dropouts: 168 pt, All Caps, Faux Italic, #ed2024
On Tour: 38 pt, All Caps, Faux Italic, -20 Tracking, #ffffff
Select all three text layers, go to Edit > Transform > Skew and change the Vertical Skew to -5 in the top toolbar.
Step 8
Add the rest of the event information, including date, location, and address. Use the Noir Pro Bold font.
Date: 67 pt, #ffffff
Album & Address: 15 pt, #ffffff
Location: 48 pt, #d7e480
Step 9
Open the Douglas Collection PSD badge file in Photoshop. Drag and drop the badge onto the band flyer. Change the Fill to #d7e47f.
Step 10
Apply a Drop Shadow Layer Style to the green badge by double-clicking on the layer in the Layers panel.
Blend Mode: Multiply, #000000
Opacity: 46%
Angle: 90°
Distance: 0 px
Spread: 0%
Size: 54 px
Step 11
Add the rest of your ticket information and website address at the top of your band flyer using the Douglas-Calgary and Noir Pro fonts.
So above are the details on how to create a band flyer in Photoshop that SaDesign wants to share with readers. Hopefully this article will help readers create impressive, unique and attractive band flyers .