Terms And Condition

13/09/2023 4,120

Terms And Condition

Terms And Condition

Sadesign.ai is an E-Commerce Site for the purpose of: providing information regarding the use of Photoshop and Photography Techniques in the form of blogs, videos, podcasts, text and other content. ; a forum to discuss Photoshop techniques; sell photography and photo-related eBooks, tutorials, Photoshop Actions, educational video courses, plugins created by us and our affiliates.

Editing Academy office is located in Ha Noi, Viet Nam and we work and provide time zone assistance in Vietnam (GMT + 7) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm , from Monday to Friday only. The maximum response time is 48 hours.

Occasionally we are also allowed to take leave on holidays and other events so that we can be with our family.

We always try to provide assistance as quickly as possible, but please note that outside of these hours, your support request will be answered the next business day, as we sleep at night just like every disciplined artist globally.

Limited Support
Retouching Academy offers support services only to customers. Support includes installation instructions, bug fixes (Sadesign Retouching Panels issues ONLY) and problem resolution using features explained on our sales page.

Please submit a checkmark to the SADESIGN PANEL Support Team specified here.

https://www.facebook.com/SadesignRetouchingPanel  before sending any notice to our support for immediate support.

Support NOT included:
general basic computer knowledge
support general support of Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Extension Manager troubleshooting
fixes for plugins or scripts not packed with control panel of we
integrate other extensions and plugins that
add new features or extend existing features outside of our scheduled updates
changing the color and / or size of boards for fish. multiply
any type of modification or customization other than using our own custom features
While we would love to be able to assist with requests like the ones mentioned above, our small team will not be able to provide such support to our huge user base.

Fixes Errors
Sometimes, after an update is released, we might discover an error in our console. We will try to fix these errors as soon as possible, but please note that our development team will take time to find and fix the error, then check our system to make sure that it doesn’t have any other problem in the system after fixing it. was applied.

Plugin compatibility
While we’d love to have every plugin and extension available for Adobe Photoshop working with our dashboard, this is simply not possible. Some plugins and extensions may conflict with our dashboard and unfortunately we can’t do anything about that.

Please don’t contact us if you are having problems with other plugins and extensions not working properly with our dashboard – we will not be able to assist with these issues. You can disable the problem plugin, contact the problem plugin’s support team or find an alternative.

You acknowledge that by your purchase, the ownership and copyright of our actions, eBooks and / or Products will not be transferred to you and that you may not represent that it is your. Your license is non-transferable and you are not authorized to sell, share, lease, give away, distribute, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the right to use its tasks, eBooks and / or other we show it to anyone else (ie other photographers, friends, colleagues, relatives, etc.) or install the product on a computer not owned by the buyer.

By purchasing our Products, you agree NOT to resell or redistribute these products to others. Our actions, eBooks and / or Other Products may ONLY be installed on a computer owned by the product buyer. Any redistribution of our Products on physical memory storage devices, CDs, DVDs, via forums, websites or any other means is a violation of these terms.

You may not modify or alter the appearance of any of our Products and resell them as your own. You may not dissect our Products and then use our concepts in your own products for resale.

You acknowledge that all products on Sadesignretouching.com are non-refundable and cannot be returned, under any circumstances, due to their digital nature. This is an industry standard and we strongly encourage you to carefully read the description on product pages and watch videos if applicable to ensure you wish to purchase any of our Products. Please do not buy if you are not willing to take risks.

Before purchasing, make sure that you have the appropriate software installed, our Products do not include software to run them. No Digital Products purchased on the Sadesignretouching.com can be returned or exchanged.

You are responsible for backing up the Products you purchase. If you are unable to recover or locate our operations, eBooks and/or other Products that you have purchased, we will try and assist you, but are not obliged to store or re-issue your purchases. It is occupying our human resources, which may not be available due to the small size of our company. Our products are also sold through the partner’s website, so we may often not have any details or evidence of your purchase. If you can’t present proof of your purchase, such as a PayPal receipt or credit card, and we can’t verify your purchase on your record, replacing your lost purchase may not be possible.

Please note, we are not responsible for keeping any of your purchase information, you have sole responsibility to back up your downloads.

The website and its original content, tools, services, features and products are owned by Sadesign Editing Academy and are protected under international and federal Copyright Law. Any unauthorized distribution, sharing, reproduction, reproduction or use of this document is prohibited and infringers will be prosecuted.

No part of our website content, actions, plugins, eBooks, books or Other Products will be redistributed, copied, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part under any any form, electronic or mechanical by current technology or invented in the future with written permission of the owner, Sadesign Editing Academy.

All copyrights, trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in our guides, e-books, books, articles, blog posts, and manuals are the property of their respective owners.

By reading our instructions, e-books, books, articles, blog posts and tutorials, you agree that we are not responsible for the successful or unsuccessful implementation of any comments. New knowledge and skills you choose to use in your editing or photography due to any information presented in these tutorials.

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use Sadesignretouching.com in accordance with these terms of use. As a condition of your use of the Website, you warrant to Sadesign Editing Academy that you will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms. You may not use the Website in any way, which could damage, disable, overload, or impair the Website or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Website. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information that is not intentionally provided by the Website.

All content included as part of the Service, such as text, graphics, logos, images, as well as their translation and any software used on the Website , is the property of Sadesign Editing Academy or its suppliers and is protected by copyright and intellectual property and property rights protection laws. You agree to comply with and comply with all copyrights and other proprietary notices, legends or other restrictions contained in any such content and will not make any changes to the content. there.

You will not modify, publish, transmit, reverse engineer, engage in the transfer or sell, create derivative works, or in any way to exploit any content, in its entirety. or in part, found on the Site. Sadesign Retouching Academy content is not for resale. Your use of the Website does not allow you to unauthorized use of any protected content, and in particular you will not remove or change any ownership or attribution notices in any content. Come on. You will only use protected content for your own personal use and will not use any other content without the express written permission of Sadesign Retouching Academy and the copyright owner. You agree that you do not have any ownership rights in any protected content. We do not grant you any license, express or implied, to the intellectual property of Sadesign Retouching Academy or our licensors unless expressly permitted by these Terms. Use is at your sole risk.

We are not responsible for any viruses or malware and for harm, injury and related damage, of any nature to which your computer or other devices come into contact with us. when you are using our Website, tool or service. Please keep your anti-virus anti-malware software up to date while you are using our Website and its related tools, services and functions. We are not responsible for any loss, injury, or damage incurred as a result of you following any Photoshop-related instructions or other educational or informational instructions that you come into contact with. Our website or service.

The information contained in our guide, e-books, books, articles, blog posts, and guides are for informational purposes only. Any advice we give is our opinion based on our personal and professional experience. There is no one rule for everyone in photography or photo editing, so take advantage of all the knowledge we have to offer, try out ideas you like and implement what works best. with you on your own workflow.

The material in our guides, e-books, books, articles, blog posts, and guides may include information, products or services provided by third parties. Third-party documentation includes products and opinions expressed by owners. Therefore, we are not responsible or liable for any Third Party Documentation or opinion. Publication of such Third Party Documentation does not constitute our warranties of any information, instructions, opinions, products or services contained in the Third Party Documentation. The proposed use of Third Party Materials does not guarantee any results or success related to your work. Such publication of such Third Party Document is simply a suggestion and express our opinion on such material.

Our website, eBooks, actions, dashboards, third party plugins and Other Products are provided “as is”. We do not provide any warranties, express or implied, with respect to any of our products, the accuracy and effectiveness of any information, any implied warranties of merchantability. be or suitability for a particular purpose.

You acknowledge that you understand that there are links contained in our guides, e-books, books, articles, blog posts, and tutorials that we can benefit financially as affiliate partner.

We do not guarantee that any of our products will meet your requirements or that their use will be uninterrupted or error-free.

This is a Digital product so we do not refund for any reason once you have received the Activation Code and used it. Thank you

Sadesign Co., Ltd. provides the world's No. 1 warehouse of cheap copyrighted software with quality: Panel Retouch, Adobe Photoshop Full App, Premiere, Illustrator, CorelDraw, Chat GPT, Capcut Pro, Canva Pro, Windows Copyright Key, Office 365 , Spotify, Duolingo, Udemy, Zoom Pro...
Contact information
SADESIGN software Company Limited
Sadesign Co., Ltd. provides the world's No. 1 warehouse of cheap copyrighted software with quality: Panel Retouch, Adobe Photoshop Full App, Premiere, Illustrator, CorelDraw, Chat GPT, Capcut Pro, Canva Pro, Windows Copyright Key, Office 365 , Spotify, Duolingo, Udemy, Zoom Pro...
Contact information
SADESIGN software Company Limited
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