Statista Starter Account

Statista Starter Account


Status Status: Out of stock
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Statista is an online platform that allows users to access market and consumer data in more than 150 countries. The data is based on more than 80,000 research topics in 170 industries, a powerful tool for information search, statistics, and market research. Learn more about the useful features of the platform and how to buy a Statista Starter account at the best price through the content below.

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Statista is an online platform that allows users to access market and consumer data in more than 150 countries. The data is based on more than 80,000 research topics in 170 industries, a powerful tool for information search, statistics, and market research. Learn more about the useful features of the platform and how to buy a Statista Starter account at the best price through the content below.

1. What is Statista application?

Statista is a data analysis tool covering 170 industries and over 80,000 research topics from over 150 countries worldwide. Statista account holders can easily access a wealth of market/consumer research data, build customer profiles to set up appropriate marketing activities.

This platform is a powerful tool for researchers, leaders and businesses in personal development activities. The Statista Starter subscription package is a service for beginners, providing many benefits to start the journey of data exploration, serving the needs of learning, work, management,... in fields such as: economy, society, technology, environment.

2. Attractive features of Statista application

Currently, the Statista platform is considered useful and is widely used in more than 150 countries because it possesses many attractive benefits and features as follows:

Statista provides a rich database of markets and consumers from over 150 countries, with extensive information on over 80,000 research topics from 170 industries and fields.

Information is formatted in many forms such as XLS, PNG, PDF, PPT,... helping users to view, download and use data as desired conveniently.

The languages ​​used on the platform are diverse, including: English, German, Spanish,... helping users from many countries easily access, read and use.

Provides smart, efficient search tools, helping users quickly find statistical data according to research purposes.

The platform provides a treasure trove of in-depth analysis and detailed reports based on market data, supporting users in their business and market research purposes.

Intuitive and friendly interface, simple, easy to navigate and use.

Statista also has pre-built layouts to help users build reports, online questionnaires, customer analysis, support marketing strategies, and market research.

3. Who should use Statista?

Statista is a useful and effective tool for research and data analysis, serving many different purposes from business, marketing to academia. The tool is suitable for the following users:

Professionals who need market research data on a variety of industries and consumer markets globally.

Businesses, brands because Statista helps collect information about competitors.

Specialists in data analysis and statistics need a diverse data warehouse to build charts, reports,... on that information.

Teachers and students in many majors need accurate statistics for research papers, theses, and presentations.

Marketers need to use data from Statista to better understand their target customers and build appropriate marketing strategies.

Policy maker, working in politics or social management, economics, environment,...

4. Compare Statista account packages

Statista offers 3 account packages for 3 different groups of users: Free accounts for individuals, business accounts and student/teacher accounts. Below is a comparison table of the main differences between the account packages provided by Statista:


Free Package for Individuals

Business Package

Student Package

Data Access Rights



Special data for students

Reports and charts


Full access

Full access

Download document format

Download not supported



Smart search feature


Full features

Full features

Data analysis tools

Do not have



Customer Support


Professional and priority support

Priority support for students






Free of charge


Special price

5. Instructions for purchasing a Statista Starter account at SaDesign

To buy a Statista Starter account at SaDesign , follow the steps below:

Step 1: Access the Website: https://Sadesign.AI with the web browser application on your device.

Step 2: Search for the product name “Statista Starter Account” in the search bar in the upper left corner of SaDesign's main screen.

Step 3. Choose the service package that suits your needs (6 months, 12 months) and click “Add to cart” or “Buy now”.

Step 4: Select "Payment" and enter complete personal information to proceed with payment for the order.

Step 5: Receive account information from SaDesign via email and log in to activate your account and start experiencing the huge data warehouse available in the application.

Statista Starter 3 Account


Statista is an indispensable useful tool for individuals/businesses that need diverse data for research, data analysis,... serving business, marketing, academia, and management. Contact SaDesign to order a Statista Starter account to help you own a useful tool to make your work and personal plans more convenient.

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