Habits to avoid when using Photoshop

13/12/2024 28

In the process of using Photoshop, users need to firmly grasp the habits to avoid when using Photoshop to be able to use this software effectively, quickly and work best.

Habits to avoid when using Photoshop

If you are also wondering about this issue, do not take your eyes off the following useful information that we will share.

First: Don't work on the same layer.

Whether you do layouts, photo retouching or anything else, the advice for you is to do it on multiple layers, instead of using every effect for just one layer. Because working on one layer will hinder your work, making you unable to be flexible in editing them. In order to save maximum time and effort for users in photo editing, you should practice the habit of creating new layers for each effect. Don't forget to name them to make it easier to find and edit later.

Second: Limit the use of Delete and Eraser tool, use Mask.

It can be seen that this is one of the "bad" habits that many users have in the process of using and working with photoshop . Because, Delete and Eraser Tool are considered the 2 most negative ways when using photoshop, they will completely erase the content you select, which will cause difficulties and inconveniences in editing later. Therefore, instead of using these 2 tools, you should use other more useful tools such as referring to the following 3 functions:

Pixel Mask
Vector Mask
Clipping Mask
If you want to hide unwanted content, use the mask tool. With this method, users can make edits and changes at any time. At the same time, they help save maximum time in your editing work.

Third: Don't use "shortcuts"

When working with Photoshop, not using shortcuts is really one of the biggest shortcomings. A professional Photoshop person must definitely use shortcuts during the working process. One hand needs to use the mouse, the other hand will be used on the “front” of the keyboard. Below, we will provide you with a few main hotkeys as follows:

Cmd/Ctrl + T - Free Transform
Cmd/Ctrl + S - Save
Cmd/Ctrl + A - Select All
Cmd/Ctrl + D - Deselect
Cmd/Ctrl + I - Invert colors
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + I - Invert selection
Cmd/Ctrl + click on layer thumbnail - Create selection based on that layer.
Cmd/Ctrl + Option/Alt + A - Select all Layers
Option/Alt + click giữa 2 layers - Clipping Mask
Cmd/Ctrl + G - Group Layers
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + G - Ungroup Layers
In addition, there are many other hotkeys of photoshop, you can slowly memorize and use them to save maximum time for editing and making photos.

Fourth: Rasterize to Pixel layer

In Photoshop, Smart Objects are quite popular, but not everyone can understand and use their functions correctly. Smart Objects are available in almost every version of Photoshop, so users can freely transform Smart Objects while still ensuring image quality, they are not like normal Pixel layers.  When converting from a normal layer to a Smart Object, Photoshop will export that layer into a separate image file, then use that file for other changes (scale, reflect, rotate, ...) You will not be able to know in advance how many times you will have to transform a layer when working with Photoshop. If you do not really understand Smart Objects, you will accidentally cause your work to lose sharpness. Therefore, you need to pay attention not to Rasterize Layer.

Thursday: Don't use Adjustment layers

Selecting Adjustment from the Image tab on the menu bar will accidentally apply the effect to the selected layer. This will prevent you from making any further edits.  Therefore, to avoid this mistake, pay attention to selecting “Adjustment” from the Window tab. In the newly appeared square box on the right, select the desired effect or click on the icon in the image below. When the user has selected the effect they want to use, Photoshop will create a separate adjustment layer. However, this effect will be applied to all layers below. To avoid this, use the Option/Alt + Click key combination between the Adjustment layer and the layer you want to apply the effect to. Thus, the effect can only be applied to the selected layer.

Friday: Messy Layer Arrangement

Arranging layers in an organized and logical manner is an important thing that Photoshop users need to pay special attention to. At first, you may think that editing names and colors with layers will take a lot of time. However, if you are working on a long and complex product, the above step will help you save a lot of time. When you hand over the design file to customers or other members, this clear arrangement will make it easier to use and follow, bringing professionalism to the user.

Saturday: Don't use Smart Filter

Unlike normal filters, Smart Filters allow users to hide or show the selected effect. In addition, they can also customize the details inside the effect, along with applying blend modes, while normal filters cannot do these tasks. 

Eighth: Move your vision within the workspace

To move the view in the workspace, most users will use 2 sliders. This is one of the things that is quite inconvenient and time-consuming when editing photos.  Therefore, please refer to the following shortcuts to bring convenience when moving the view up and down, left and right in the easiest and most comfortable way such as: - Space - Hand tool - Z + drag the mouse left, right: Zoom in and out - Hold the H button + click: General view - Cmd/Control + 0: Fit to Screen - Cmd/Control + 1: Return to 100% zoom.

Ninth: Don't use Adobe Bridge

In Photoshop CS2, Adobe Bridge appeared. This software helps users in file management. When using Bridge a lot and getting used to it, you will see the convenience it brings. With Adobe Bridge, users will not need to spend too much time searching for design files. In particular, when talking about Bridge, we must talk about the feature of comparing 2 images with each other, focusing on any detail in the image.

Tenth: Do not save files continuously

The worst thing is when you are about to finish your work, the software crashes (especially for pirated versions) or suddenly loses power, ... to avoid being affected by these frustrating problems, please note to save the file continuously by using the key combination cmd/ctrl + S.  Continuously saving will help avoid losing the work that you have spent time editing. Therefore, please pay special attention to this issue when working with photoshop. With the habits to avoid when using photoshop that SaDesign has provided in the above article, we hope that it will be really useful information for you to be able to use photoshop effectively, quickly and save time in the best way while still ensuring the quality of work. Wish you will become professional photoshop workers.

Sadesign Co., Ltd. provides the world's No. 1 warehouse of cheap copyrighted software with quality: Panel Retouch, Adobe Photoshop Full App, Premiere, Illustrator, CorelDraw, Chat GPT, Capcut Pro, Canva Pro, Windows Copyright Key, Office 365 , Spotify, Duolingo, Udemy, Zoom Pro...
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SADESIGN software Company Limited
Sadesign Co., Ltd. provides the world's No. 1 warehouse of cheap copyrighted software with quality: Panel Retouch, Adobe Photoshop Full App, Premiere, Illustrator, CorelDraw, Chat GPT, Capcut Pro, Canva Pro, Windows Copyright Key, Office 365 , Spotify, Duolingo, Udemy, Zoom Pro...
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