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Use color charts to accurately determine colors in captured images

If you do not know how to use color charts to accurately determine colors in captured images, do not ignore the information in this article.
Color chart is considered an extremely useful tool to help users identify the exact color code in the captured image for more convenient use. However, many people do not know how to use color charts to accurately determine colors in captured images, so let's explore through the article below.
Color Charts
Most people have never seen how wonderful nature colors are because they live indoors, work in offices, drive to and from work. These colors always occur outdoors in nature. Peak colors, like the photo you take only last for 60 seconds, if it happens any day. You can take a series of photos, and only one of the photos gets the best color.

Color accuracy has always been considered an important factor in photography and editing. Modern cameras rely entirely on built-in software to interpret the color data in captured images and how the colors are captured will reflect directly how accurate they are in the captured images.
However, some basic factors such as the light temperature, the White Balance setting, and even the type of lens and filter used can alter colors in the captured image. That is also the reason why people need to use a color chart (or color reference card) to accurately determine the original color code.
First introduced in 1976, a color chart - first produced as "Macbeth ColorChecker". The colors are arranged in a twenty-four square-meter cardboard frame of the patterns painted on the Munsell color scheme. This is a color correction target used in the photographed scene, and then used as a color reference during post-production to ensure consistent colors from shooting to the output image, digital or print.

If you are someone who has been using the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport palette for the past few years, it is very durable and even looks new. ColorChecker is a fairly expensive item, but it will give users a lot of useful uses. Furthermore, if used carefully, it will serve you for many years and help you ensure that the colors you work with are consistent throughout the entire creative process.
How to determine the exact color in the image captured with a histogram
Although modern camera technology makes users often take a long time when shooting in Raw format. But it's important to note that adding a color chart to a single frame while shooting that can make a big difference in post-production.

Without exact color reference, the colors in your images are just subjective guesswork. It might be good enough for some clients, but if color accuracy is an important factor for the current job (e.g. the color of the makeup or clothing product in the promotional image). Then you will get in the habit of using a color tester, which is very beneficial for a professional photographer.
Check out this in-depth tutorial by photo editing expert Jay P. Morgan on how to use color charts:
[embed][/embed]Through the above sharing, you probably already know how to use color charts to accurately identify colors in captured images to better support your work. If you still have any questions that need advice or want to use professional image editing services, please contact SaDesign Retouching for the fastest service.
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